With residential and commercial construction booming and home renovations at an all-time high, the services provided by A Claim Design and Development (ACDD) are in demand, keeping owner Reginalea “Reggi” Sturns busy doing something she loves. Sturns is the owner and founder of the only pre-construction consulting firm in this area. Asked what a pre-construction consulting firm does, Sturns replied, “Pre-construction consulting consists of merging the expectations of a homeowner with an interior designer and a builder.” Most clients know what they want but are unable to articulate their desires effectively to builders, a simple communication issue that ACDD is happy to resolve.
ACDD works to bridge the gap between architects/designers and builders, bringing clarity to both parties and control over the final design/layout to her clients. “BUILDING Made Easy”™ by pre-planning and effective communication” is the company’s mantra. Sturns’ services are sought after by homeowners looking to do complete renovations to their existing homes and future homeowners looking to build within the next two to five years. She also offers her services to home investors and commercial real estate projects, tendering the same type of service on a larger scale. Sturns works on the front end of a project ensuring her client’s vision and needs are communicated to the architect or designer who then renders plans or alters existing drawings/plans for the builder. In Sturns’ experience, builders are not Pre-Construction Consultants. Details and design possibilities need to be noted, realized and explored, before the floor plan is finalized and converted into construction documents. If not, the homeowners feel as if they must be on the jobsite, whenever the contractors are there to ensure their request is performed. Often, that’s an indication that several important details were not considered, drawn or noted on the construction drawings.
Sturns wants her clients to have the ability to begin a construction project from a position of knowledge and her program is designed to give them that. There are many benefits to using the “BUILDING Made Easy”™ services provided by ACDD. Building a custom home requires a significant amount of advanced planning and committed participation from the client. The process is designed to work in conjunction with the client’s team of professionals. ACDD translates the design needs, desires and wants of it’s clients and converts them into a pre-construction packet. The pre-construction packet empowers their clients to communicate clearly with potential builders or contractors about their proposed project. It allows contractors to see what clients want so they can provide estimates and finally, the process helps them interview and select the right architect, builder or contractor for the job. Sturns says, “My job is to give the client a foundation and cast the vision that the plan is sound, the floor plan works and it yields a quality product or outcome.” She considers resale value and property values when assisting her clients with their choices and is proud to present designs that reflect her client’s particular needs and tastes.
To read the full story, click on the cover of the June 2022 issue